Chris has been involved in film and video production for more than 40 years as an award-winning commercial & TV director, cameraman & editor. His first camera was the family’s box Brownie – which was probably used to shoot this photo
Photography was a hobby pursued while studying at Dalhousie University in Halifax, Nova Scotia. This interest in photography led to a first job as a trainee cameraman & editor in Kingston, Jamaica.
After a few decades of directing, shooting and fooling around with cameras & boats, Chris and Michael began The Luminous Landscape Video Journal (LLVJ) as an off-shoot of the Luminous Landscape web-site.
The LLVJ was originally intended to be a series for cable television. But the then-new opportunity to self-publish was more attractive! Early issues were shot on DV, edited in Final Cut and mastered to DVD – it was the bleeding edge! Technology improved and DV & HDV gave way to HD. DVDs then disappeared as a distribution format and were replaced by HD Downloads. This too will inevitably change…