The Palouse Harvest Tour 2025
A Five Person Private Tour
August 18th – 23rd 2025
If you have never been or have been many times you should join me in one of my favorite places to photograph in America. The Palouse. This incredible rolling hills and farmland region is located in Southeast Washington State. I have been shooting this area for years and usually make annual visits to the Palouse both in the early summer and for the harvest in August. There are many places to photograph in this area. I’d love to take you to some of my favorite fabulous spots.

In the past, we have held workshops in the Palouse with 12 or more people. I am now offering something special. Come shoot with me and five other photographers (6 of us) in the Palouse during the harvest season. We’ll be photographing from dawn to sunset at some amazing locations. As a small group, we will have plenty of time to discuss photography and making images. I’ll help you along the way find the best ways to shoot this landscape, as well as coach you on seeing differently. We’ll also spend time processing and prepping images for printing.

I’ll pick you up at the Spokane airport at noon on the 18th of August. We will head right into the region and start our photography adventure. We’ll be staying at the Hampton Inn in Pullman, WA. Formerly this was the Holiday Inn Express and has been completely remodeled with upgraded rooms and amenities. The rooms are large, quiet and comfortable.

We’ll work our way south and check you into the hotel by late afternoon. We’ll then head out to dinner and a sunset shoot. You’ll be amazed at the interesting patterns made by the various fall harvest colors, which add to the richness of the images.