With Kevin Raber and Steve Gosling
May 17-24, 2025

The Faroe Islands are situated in the North Atlantic, about halfway between Iceland and Norway. The Faroes are comprised of eighteen rocky, volcanic islands connected by road tunnels, ferries, causeways, and bridges. It’s a dramatic, windswept landscape with mountains, valleys, grassy heathland, and steep coastal cliffs that harbor thousands of seabirds. The coastline stretches for 1289 km (800 miles), so you’re never more than 5 km (3 miles) from the coast. The island’s isolated position and its location in the North Atlantic mean that changeable weather is a constant feature – great for the photographer looking to capture moody and evocative images!
This workshop will be led by Steve Gosling and Kevin Raber, and there will be no more than ten attendees. Steve and Kevin know the Faroe Islands well and have been coming to the Faroe Islands to run workshops and photograph together for many years.
We also hope your time with us will be educational, instructive, and informative to help you develop and refine your photographic skills. Our aim will be not just to help you with your technique but primarily to encourage and enable you to consider what you photograph, why (i.e., to clarify what you are trying to communicate with your images), and to contemplate how your photographs can reflect your emotional as well as visual responses to the landscape. There will be many opportunities to do this out in the field with cameras in hand (well, on a tripod, preferably!) and back at our hotel.

For this all-inclusive trip, we will be based at the Hotel Foroyar, a fabulous 4-star hotel on the outskirts of Torshavn, the capital of the Faroe Islands. Accommodation will be in double rooms (all single occupancy), and we will have breakfast and dinner at the hotel. We will take our lunches at various locations (or a packed lunch, depending on our exact itinerary).

There will be a maximum of 10 participants. This 1:5 ratio keeps the group manageable and enables us to work with people on a 1 to 1 basis when we’re out shooting. It also means that people have space to work and are less likely to get in each other’s way when we’re on location. We will be using two vans, so we are never cramped together.